Wake Up People!
Now I know the über liberals are completely out of their minds. In a news story posted earlier today (by several sources) the über liberal agenda was again spewed forth. Washington University in St. Louis is holding a Sexual Responsibility Week and were looking for Bristol Palin, the Candie's Foundation Teen Abstinence Ambassador, to give her speech about abstinence. When Kate Walsh, of "Private Practice" and a member of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, heard the news she posted the following tweet: “Welcome to the Idiocracy! RT @elliekirsh: @katewalsh please join students at Wash.U. to boycott Bristol Palin's speech on abstinence. What does she know about college or abstaining?”
Some points I must make about this:
1. Why does someone have to "know about college" in order to speak at a college function? There are actors and self-help gurus and all sorts of people who regularly speak at college functions who have never gone to college a day in their lives. In fact, there are people who've never been to college who have received honorary doctorate degrees! So suggesting that someone shouldn't speak at a college function just because they don't "know [anything] about college," is asinine.
2. Yes, it's true that Bristol didn't abstain from sex, and yes she got pregnant, but it seems to me that someone who has made a mistake and learned from it would be the perfect advocate for not doing it in the first place! Parents are constantly trying to tell their children not the make the same mistakes that they made, so why is it inappropriate for Bristol Palin to do the same thing? Wouldn't it make more sense for someone who has gone through the experience, and therefore knows a thing or two about the consequences of those actions, to speak about NOT doing the same thing? Hello, duh!
3. In a followup story it was reported that Palin will not be attending, due to the controversy. The list of attendees reported didn't directly indicate that a replacement abstinence speaker would attend, though it did mention the Catholic Student Center, which I imagine would be heavily pro-abstinence. If this "Sexual Responsibility Week" event does not have someone discussing abstinence then the whole thing is a complete farce. Kate Walsh's comments (and her affiliation with Planned Parenthood) suggest that she is anti-abstinence. Her comments make it sound as if abstinence is some sort of egregious violation of the natural order. Despite Planned Parenthood's contention that they do teach abstinence they say they want abstinence to be taught "properly" without the "misinformation" that is "generally" given out by pro-abstinence advocates (a specifically cited example is, "condoms don't work"). Walsh's attitude, and the attitude of many, particularly liberals, is not only irresponsible, it's dangerous.
Plenty of evidence shows that abstinence is truly the only way in which to prevent pregnancy and the transmission or development of disease (e.g. AIDS, and cervical or penile cancer, respectively). But that's not even the end of it. Society has degenerated to such a degree that sex has become completely meaningless. For many it has almost become a rite of passage. A recent letter to Dear Annie showed this perfectly. A mother was writing in to complain about her daughter's boyfriend and how he was "withholding" himself from her daughter. She couldn't understand why her daughter was putting up with this attitude and desperately wanted help to know what she should do. Thankfully, Dear Annie is far more intelligent than this mother, and told her that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the situation and, far from that, the mother should back off and understand that they are perfectly within their rights to not have sex! The idea that someone would have to be told that NOT having sex is perfectly alright, is mind-boggling!
Another recent news report noted that more and more people don't understand why they are even getting married. The present rate of divorce bears this out. The lack of understanding of what marriage truly is and is for, is a the root of the problem. Because people no longer understand the concept of marriage, they have no respect for it. The ease with which a divorce can be obtained helps to fuel the problem. The only solution is education. Marriage isn't meant to be a hostile take-over, nor is it meant to be an excuse for receipt of benefits (of any kind). Marriage is also not easy, nor was it ever meant to be easy. Marriage is a lot of work - work that too many people just don't want to put forth. But until people understand this, accept this, and actually start working...then society is going to continue to spiral into the pit of Hell.
Some points I must make about this:
1. Why does someone have to "know about college" in order to speak at a college function? There are actors and self-help gurus and all sorts of people who regularly speak at college functions who have never gone to college a day in their lives. In fact, there are people who've never been to college who have received honorary doctorate degrees! So suggesting that someone shouldn't speak at a college function just because they don't "know [anything] about college," is asinine.
2. Yes, it's true that Bristol didn't abstain from sex, and yes she got pregnant, but it seems to me that someone who has made a mistake and learned from it would be the perfect advocate for not doing it in the first place! Parents are constantly trying to tell their children not the make the same mistakes that they made, so why is it inappropriate for Bristol Palin to do the same thing? Wouldn't it make more sense for someone who has gone through the experience, and therefore knows a thing or two about the consequences of those actions, to speak about NOT doing the same thing? Hello, duh!
3. In a followup story it was reported that Palin will not be attending, due to the controversy. The list of attendees reported didn't directly indicate that a replacement abstinence speaker would attend, though it did mention the Catholic Student Center, which I imagine would be heavily pro-abstinence. If this "Sexual Responsibility Week" event does not have someone discussing abstinence then the whole thing is a complete farce. Kate Walsh's comments (and her affiliation with Planned Parenthood) suggest that she is anti-abstinence. Her comments make it sound as if abstinence is some sort of egregious violation of the natural order. Despite Planned Parenthood's contention that they do teach abstinence they say they want abstinence to be taught "properly" without the "misinformation" that is "generally" given out by pro-abstinence advocates (a specifically cited example is, "condoms don't work"). Walsh's attitude, and the attitude of many, particularly liberals, is not only irresponsible, it's dangerous.
Plenty of evidence shows that abstinence is truly the only way in which to prevent pregnancy and the transmission or development of disease (e.g. AIDS, and cervical or penile cancer, respectively). But that's not even the end of it. Society has degenerated to such a degree that sex has become completely meaningless. For many it has almost become a rite of passage. A recent letter to Dear Annie showed this perfectly. A mother was writing in to complain about her daughter's boyfriend and how he was "withholding" himself from her daughter. She couldn't understand why her daughter was putting up with this attitude and desperately wanted help to know what she should do. Thankfully, Dear Annie is far more intelligent than this mother, and told her that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the situation and, far from that, the mother should back off and understand that they are perfectly within their rights to not have sex! The idea that someone would have to be told that NOT having sex is perfectly alright, is mind-boggling!
Another recent news report noted that more and more people don't understand why they are even getting married. The present rate of divorce bears this out. The lack of understanding of what marriage truly is and is for, is a the root of the problem. Because people no longer understand the concept of marriage, they have no respect for it. The ease with which a divorce can be obtained helps to fuel the problem. The only solution is education. Marriage isn't meant to be a hostile take-over, nor is it meant to be an excuse for receipt of benefits (of any kind). Marriage is also not easy, nor was it ever meant to be easy. Marriage is a lot of work - work that too many people just don't want to put forth. But until people understand this, accept this, and actually start working...then society is going to continue to spiral into the pit of Hell.
Postat av: Nathan
Spiraling into hell, I think we are already there. We are just spiraling deeper and deeper.
I wish more people thought like you do when it comes to this subject.