Halloween Comes Early This Year
If you know me or you've been reading my blog for any length of time then you know that I love horror movies, and Halloween is my favorite holiday. I've been trying to figure out a non-cheesy way of introducing a certain website I found some time ago, but the time just never seemed right. Well, after today I've come up with the perfect way to introduce it.
I was surfing the Cake Wrecks website, and found some of the more...gruesome examples of humanity's lack of decorum and it seemed the perfect opportunity to show you this:
Yes, that's right, it's the Thorax Cake. Created by a couple of sisters, you can find the whole workup here. For some reason, this doesn't gross me out. I mean, at first it did, but over the years I've become less grossed out by it to the point that I'd love to take a bite (the whole thing is edible), or, better yet, I'd love to make my own. So you might be wondering what it was over at Cake Wrecks that was so bad that it's got me annoyed enough to blog about it...Well, this! And that's part of it below.
BELOW: Baby Shower cake...level-of-taste issue, much?!
I should point out that it's not just the baby that is cake, but that "placenta" back there, too. This is one of those, "what were you thinking?!" situations. Seriously, what were they thinking? Yes, it's a phenomenal piece of work, but it's a cake! That implies that it's supposed to be eaten. You gonna eat that?
Yes, I love horror movies (well made horror movies, not stupid slasher flicks whose sole purpose for existence is to see how much blood and guts they can throw around... really, a slasher flick is the porn flick of the horror movie genre -- like a porno it has zero plot and loads of unnecessary screaming and buckets of bodily fluids. Slasher movies (and Cannibal Corpse) are no more viable "entertainment" than porn movies, and they never will be -- no, porn is not viable entertainment. 'S'truth, get over it and move on), but even in horror movies there's a certain level of decorum that should be adhered to, and these Baby Shower cakes just don't hold to that.
But it's not just the creator of said tasteless (that's not a pun) cakes that is at fault here, it's the people who wanted the cake in the first place! If you've ever watched Ace of Cakes then you know that there are some people with strange ideas about what constitutes an appropriate cake for any occasion. The thing is, I have yet to see any cakes on there that are as inappropriate as the one shown above. Seriously, this one takes first prize (okay, the "fetus cake" is a tie).
Maybe you think I'm being oversensitive about this, that it's just all in good fun. Good fun? I roll my eyes at you. I don't think it's oversensitive to ask that people actually think before they do things. But if you're not actually going to eat the baby, then I don't have a problem with it. Of course, if you're not going to eat the baby, then why make it out of cake?