Well That Was Childish
So, a "situation" arose this last week (and prompted my insanity confession) that has now escalated to a point beyond my wildest fantasy.
The current issue stems from my having asked one of my "friends" on Facebook to do me a favor. I know, what an evil person I am, how dare I ask someone for a favor! Y'know what's even worse? I apologized for asking and let it be known that it was okay if the favor was not given. The response? I was summarily unfriended and blocked by this person.
Wow, really? Y'know, funnily enough, this isn't the first time this has happened, although the first time it happened I wasn't blocked...well, not at the time...well, let me check and see if that's changed...oh, whoops, my bad, apparently I have been blocked by that other person as well. Again, really?
When did it become a heinous crime to ask for a favor? If there was a question regarding said favor then that could easily have been cleared up, but unfortunately, it wasn't. Which leads me to further unwelcome thoughts.
Y'know, I don't like being played. In fact it makes me mad as hell when people play games with me. All I can say to you is that, when you need a favor, I hope I'm the only one who can render the aid you need, because unlike you, I don't consider it a crime to help people. Although, in your case I might make an exception.
