Survey Says!
I've already discussed the fact that I recently discovered that a "friend" was lying to me. Normally I don't like to name names, but I admit that I'm sorely tempted to do so this go around. Why? Because, frankly, he deserves to be "outed." But I'm going to keep that name to myself, yet again, for my own purposes (and again, those of you who know me already know to whom I'm referring).
So why am I writing this today? Because I'm fed up. This situation never needed to exist in the first place because he never should have lied (and I'm still trying to figure out what he thought he was gaining by doing so). But he did. And I'm dealing with that. Some people have suggested that I may be "overreacting" to this situation. Am I? Honestly, I think not. People have gotten it into their heads that lying is okay. That lying will somehow "fix" the mess they're in. I'm here to tell you, that's just not the case.
Maybe you've heard the saying, "honesty is the best policy"? Well, it's actually true. Shocking, I know. But yeah, honesty really is the best policy. Lying destroys trust, and without trust, well, think about it. If you were an employer would you hire someone you can't trust? Not unless you're stupid. Would you trust a crook with sensitive information? Not unless you're stupid. So am I overreacting? No, because I'm not a mushroom, and I won't be treated like one.
And here's the best part...this "douche packing queef bag" is merely dragging out everyone's misery by refusing to explain his behavior (would he lie about it? Most likely. But I'll be taking everything he says with a grain of salt - and so should all of you; his "friends - and really, you think he's your friend?? HA ha ha ha, yeah, he's your friend alright, I could tell you "friends" of his a few stories). That's all I want, the truth! And I've made that clear. Which is why I don't understand why he won't just give it.
Am I overreacting? No. Because, in the immortal words of Gotye: "...the saddest thing is, all of it could have been avoided." I'm walking the plank with my eyes wide open. And if you're his "friend," then so should you.