They See Me Trolling...
When in the course of human events
Fate takes a turn for the worse,
Oft' times it eases the troubled soul
To put it all down in verse
I wrote that years ago (it's actually part of a longer poem), but I've found myself quoting it A LOT the last few weeks. If you've been keeping up with the blog then you know I've had some issues with someone I thought was a friend. Well, things are really heating up!
From the beginning, I've made it clear that I just want to know why he lied. But I guess he's too big a coward to tell me (still not sure what he thinks he's gaining by this, but hey, he's a jerk, I guess they don't need logical reasons for the crap they do).
Anyway, since he won't just do the right thing, I've asked some of his friends to tell him to contact me. Well, instead of doing that, I guess they decided that they would try trolling me instead. Honestly, that was the most fun I've had since this thing began. I guess they think my admittance of craziness means I'm stupid or something (which is fine, you go ahead and think I'm stupid). Well that's okay too; because I, and my friends, know I'm actually brilliant. But, of course, it takes one to know one - which explains why they didn't recognize me. Better luck next time guys.
